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Unrelated but Useful

Thriftbooks- romance, textbooks, novels, oh my!

Hello again! I wanted to post a review/did you know about something that is completely unrelated to beauty and skincare but near and dear to me! While my site is mainly for all things beauty, occasionally I will post things I find interesting or that I think could be helpful, which are unrelated.

I discovered this website a while ago. I was getting ready for a trip to Aruba, for a long overdue vacation and wanted a beach read book. I love having a book in my hand at the beach even though by the end of the trip it will look absolutely terrible! It will be greasy from the sunblock, crinkled from getting wet and drying in the sun, and the corners will be bent every which way from being used as book marks – so I didn’t want to buy a new book. I also wanted to buy a couple of books to have a choice and a back up just in case I finished one.

Well let me tell you, it had been a while since I had stepped into a Barnes & Noble to buy a book. I was shocked by the prices! It seemed that every book I was interested in was at least $20.00, soft cover and nothing fancy at all. So with a few days left to spare I set to searching the internet for the books I wanted and found Thriftbooks! Long story short, I ended up with No Rest for the Wicked and the Brothers Karamazov for a quarter of the price. Two polar opposites, I know!

Screen Shot 2018 05 26 at 6.51.42 PM - Thriftbooks- romance, textbooks, novels, oh my!

What it is is a website that sells used books online. It sells all kinds of books including, romance, mystery, thrillers, contemporary, suspense, textbooks, historical, science fiction and even books in other languages.

What makes this site special? Well it’s that most of the books start at $3.79! Now keep in mind that the textbooks for college students are probably going to cost more. But believe me, most of the time its much cheaper than amazon or any other online book retailer. So the books are cheap, what about the shipping? Well the shipping is $1 for an order less than $10.00 and free for any order above that! So its not 2 day shipping like our beloved amazon prime but its much cheaper, you’ll usually get your order in about 5 days.

I wanted to share this with you guys because I think it’s a wonderful resource for books, for those of us who still like to hold a hard copy in their hand!


Thiftbooks is awesome! You can find pretty much anything you want there book wise (even some old magazines), for a great prices. Prices vary depending on how new the book is and what kind of book it is but overall great prices for used books! This is a great option for students too; I used it to get a textbook for my corporate finance class and it was much cheaper. Granted I did have an older edition but it was not an issue.

**Disclaimer: Now for the fun legal part. I purchased all the books mentioned with my own funds and this review/did you know is not sponsored. These are my personal thoughts. There may be affiliated ads on my website and links from which if you make a purchase I will get paid. 

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